Digitally on the move with FAIRTIQ

You want to travel in the VMT area and do not know which ticket is the best for you? Or do you not want to waste time on choosing the right ticket?
Then we have a quick and easy solution for you:
With the FAIRTIQ ticket app, you can travel within the VMT service area at the best price available without having to know the fare. Just check in, hop on and set off - without having to enter neither start nor destination. It doesn't matter how often you change trains, take a break or switch between bus, train, ship or tram.
This is how it works:
During one calendar week, the best price will be calculated from the following VMT-tickets:
- single journey/single journey BahnCard
- single journey children/single journey children BahnCard
- VMT-Hopper-Ticket, single journey
- VMT-Hopper-Ticket, round trip
- day ticket
- week ticket
- 1. class extra ticket single journey
- 1. class extra ticket, one week
- connecting journeys

Take somebody with you with the Fairtiq-App
The simple check-in does not only work for you. A special feature of the app allows you to buy a ticket for another person additional to yours. With one single swipe, you can start the journey for both you and your travel companion.
This is how it works:
- If you want to travel with somebody else, register your companion in the FAIRTIQ-app before your check-in. Simply select "fellow passenger" in the menu and fill in names and birth dates. You can register as many different persons as you like, but only travel with one additional passenger per journey. It is not possible, however, to add dogs or bicycles via this function.
- To start the journey for both you and your companion, select among all registered persons who is joining you before swiping to the right.
- With the check-in and check-out function, the journey begins and ends for the two passengers at the same time. Both travel to the cheapest fare available.
- If you want to show the tickets during your journey, open the ticket in your app as always. Now, you can switch between the two passengers by swiping right or left.
Give it a try and set off together!
Both children and adults can use the FAIRTIQ-app for ticket purchase. Basically, one person is registered, but you can take with you one additional person per journey. This person has to be registered in the category "fellow passengers". Due to the birth date indicated for registration, FAIRTIQ automatically knows, if the children's fare (from school enrolment until 14 years) is still valid, or if the tariff for adults applies.
To check in, you have to open the FAIRTIQ-app and swipe the start button on the display from left to right. Before, please make sure if the starting point of your journey has been registered correctly. You can aIways edit it manually by selecting the pen-icon. If the check-in has been successful, this will be confirmed correspondingly on your display. As soon as you have checked in, you are allowed to use public transport services and, in case of control, you can show the ticket.
Attention: If the check-in has not been carried out correctly, YOU DO NOT HAVE A VALID TICKET!
As long as you don't change with longer interruptions (20-30mins), it is not necessary to check out. The FAIRTIQ-app automatically registers the change and consequently calculates the optimal fare. For longer interruptions, we suggest a (temporary) checkout. Before boarding the new vehicle, you will have to check in again. However, this does not affect the price calculation. The system automatically adds all journeys and calculates the cheapest fare.
It is necessary to check out after your journey so that the FAIRTIQ-app can register your location for calculating the distance travelled. You check out with a swipe from right to left. If successful, this will be indicated on the display.
Smart Stop is an extra feature. If necessary, update the FAIRTIQ-app and activate the feature under menu > settings > journeys.
To make sure that a journey with public transport services truly has terminated, different factors are taken into account. For example, the time that has passed since leaving the bus, train or tram, how much one has moved, and how close one is to a station. This takes 20 minutes minimum, but sometimes also can take longer, i. e. up to 90 minutes.
If you leave the VMT public transport area, you are travelling without a valid ticket and thus risk a higher fare.
If the smartphone does not work due to a reason the passenger can be held responsible for (e. g. flight mode, empty battery, phone broken, GPS deactivated), the terms for using FAIRTIQ are not fulfilled. As a consequence, the passenger does not have a valid ticket.
If the smartphone does not work temporarily, the system continues working for a certain time in the background on the FAIRTIQ-server. However, during the whole journey, the smartphone user is responsible for his device to be operational.
After completing the checkout, the standard fare and the calculated fare will be shown in the overview on the journey realised. You can always retrieve a summary of all journeys and their respective costs in the menu item "past journeys" in the FAIRTIQ-app.
Please note: If you register anew, past journeys will not be indicated anymore.
FAIRTIQ automatically calculates the best fare. The accounting period includes one calendar week from Monday to Sunday. After each journey, the cheapest combination of tariffs is calculated, and the fare charged is based on the prevailing fare conditions. For calculating the best price available during the respective week, the following fares are considered:
checksingle journey/single journey BahnCard
checksingle journey children/single journey children BahnCard
checkVMT-Hopper-Ticket, single journey
checkVMT-Hopper-Ticket, round trip
checkday ticket
checkweek ticket
check1st class extra ticket, single journey
check1st class extra ticket, one week
checkconnecting journey
For customers with BahnCard 25 or 50, the following preselction in the app is necessary:
checkClick on your name, go to "concession card or subscription" and select "add subscription or card".
checkSelect the VMT-area and confirm.
checkSelect option "BahnCard 25" or "BahnCard 50"
Payment methods
As payment methods, you can choose between Master Card, VISA and PayPal .
FAIRTIQ does not debit the day of the journey. This is supposed to ensure that the best possible fares are debited.
As soon as a journey was made, you can find it on the draft bill. However, at this point, your payment method has not been debited yet.
The debiting does not happen on a daily base*, but once an amount of 15 euros or the end of the mont is reached (latest). (*for new customers: the first 5 days will be debited on a daily basis)
Payment error:
If your payment could not be processed, your account will be blocked automatically. FAIRTIQ will tray again to initiate the payment and contact you, once the defect has been rectified. Payment errors occur when your bank institute negates our transaction.
Possible reasons are:
checkyour card has expired - in this case, please add your new card
checkyou have reached a limit
checkthe token for authorising FAIRTIQ has expired
checkplease call your bank in order to receive further support
Problem solving: a basic rule is that adding the payment method once again can help to solve the problem
After accidentally checking in, you can quickly check out again during seconds. Thanks to your movement data, the app knows that no journey has been realised.
You have to select the respective journey in the menu under "past journeys" and then describe the problem under "report problem with this journey". Hereby, you have to mention the correct start and end of your journey.
If you are asked to show your ticket, you have to select "show ticket" in the FAIRTIQ-app. The electronic ticket will then be displayed on your smartphone. This ticket has to be presented to the ticket inspector so that they can check it with their reading device. Since it is a personalized ticket (name and birth date based on the information recorded in the FAIRTIQ-app), you will be asked to show an official document for identification (ID or passport, with photograph). it is important to keep in mind that you are only travelling with a valid ticket if you have checked in correctly before setting off.
By using the FAIRTIQ-app, personal data is gathered, saved and processed. Following art. 26, par. 1 DSGVO, the responsibility regarding data protection lies partly by FAIRTIQ AG (Aarbergasse 29, 3011 Bern) and partly by Erfurter Verkehrsbetriebe AG (Magdeburger Allee 34, 99086 Erfurt).
For more information on data protection, follow these links:
Information on tariffs
downloadVMT price table
downloadVMT fare zone plan