Ausschreibungen Lieferantenvorstellung Lieferantenselbstauskunft Kontakt Einkaufsbedingungen

Purchasing and tenders

With our diverse products and services, we, as the Stadtwerke Jena Group, stand for a safe, reliable and sustainable provision of public services.


As an important part of the economic and cultural hub Jena, we are rooted in the region and the confidence of all our customers, passengers, tenants and partners is our daily aspiration.


As a municipal utility, we bear the responsibility for the essential and critical infastructures in the following sectors:

  • energy supply (electricity, gas, district heat)

  • energy production (biogas plants, combined heat and power plants)

  • water (drinking water/sewerage)

  • local traffic

  • public pools

  • living (incl. smart quarters and property management)

  • information technology


We procure a large number of the required supplies and services through call for tenders on the market - always responsibly and with integrity. 


This is why we rely on a base of high-performance suppliers, who are aware of their responsibility and contribute considerably to our provision of public services by adhering to delivery dates, quality and flexibility.