Combined tickets
Guests of certain Jena hotels as well as of some cultural and sports events can use bus, train and tram within the VMT tariff zone 30/Jena with their hotel card or admission ticket free of charge.


On days of home or cup matches, holders of an individual or season ticket of the Medipolis SC Jena and the FC Carl Zeiss Jena can use the public transport within the VMT tariff zone 30/Jena free of charge during two hours before and after the match.
Visitors of the Kulturarena can use their tickets for public transport in the VMT tariff zone 30/Jena. In total, the combination ticket is valid on the respective event day two hours before and until two hours after the event. This also applies for the Filmarena and the Kinderarena.
Overnight guests at the following Jena hotels can use the public transport services within the VMT tariff zone 30/Jena free of charge during their stay:
- Akademiehotel Jena/Thüringer Sozialakademie
- Best Western Hotel Jena
- Fair Resort Jena
- Maxx Hotel Jena
Please note that you can use hotel cards without VMT logo only on the lines of the Jena public transport service.
Tariff information
downloadVMT price table
downloadVMT fare zone plan