About the Stadtwerke Jena Group

The Stadtwerke Jena GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of the City of Jena. Under its umbrella, various subsidiaries and associated companies work together. They operate in the competence fields of energy, local transport, housing, recreational facilities and service for the people of Jena and the region. 

Local Transport
Recreational Facilities

Organizational structure


Claudia Budich

Managing Director Stadtwerke Jena GmbH

Tobias Wolfrum

Managing Director Stadtwerke Jena GmbH

Portraits of the Stadtwerke Companies 

Wir für Jena und die Region

What is it that the Stadtwerke actually do?

To create quality of life for the people in Jena and the region - that is our purpose and our aspiration. For that reason, we stand by your side all day long. In a video that was recorded on the occasion of the Day of Public Services, we demonstrate all the things we do for this city and its people.

Logo Weltoffenes Thüringen

Wir unterstützen die Initiative „Weltoffenes Thüringen“

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