Research focus of JenErgieReal

The real-world laboratory of energy transition JenErgieReal is an interdisciplinary cooperation of supplier and grid-operator with municipalities, the industry and housing sector as well as science and a social association. In eight sub-projects, they investigate different aspects that could contribute to a succesful urban energy transition.  

Mitarbeiter an Strom-Verteilerkasten

Virtual power plant structures in the regulatory environment of a grid operator

Project content

  • Technical and economic realisation of the virtual power plant under the regulatory conditions of a regional grid operator

  • Development of a calibrated direct current measurement

  • Mapping of an energy market for sector coupling

  • Definition of automated transaction management

  • Simulation of large-scale electrical storage scenarios

  • Energy storage system versus conventional grid expansion

  • Economic operating scenarios

  • Derivation of suitable operator models

  • Long-term objective:

    • Shaping the energy transition for the company and the region in a climate-friendly, economical, sustainable and therefore future-proof way
    • Scaling a virtual power plant from laboratory scale to the city of Jena

Responsibility sub-project


Symbolbild Detail Ökostromtanke

Thermal sector coupling in virtual power plant

Project content

  • Integration of decentralised heating systems for thermal sector coupling in the quarter 

  • Utilisation of the heat losses generated during the fast-charging process in a decentralised heat pump storage system

  • Analysis of economic and regulatory framework conditions

  • Development of business models

Responsibility sub-project


Smartes Quartier Jena-Lobeda Fassadenansicht Erlanger Allee

Smart Living and specific consumer behaviour in virtual power plant 

Project content

  • New processes and forms of coexistence for a higher quality of life and more attractive living space design

  • Reduction of operating costs by reducing electricity consumption and heating costs 

  • Property management taking into account social, technical, economic and ecological parameters

Responsibility sub-project


Brunata Firmensitz

Measurment services as basic component of the energy-transition

Project content

  • Development of building-internal ICT infrastructures that extend down to the room level of residential and commercial units

  • Provision of measurement and control processes that support the variable services

  • Provision of interfaces to all parties involved

Responsibility sub-project


JenErgieReal Symbolbild Teilprojekt 5

Urban and neighbourhood-oriented development in the context of a virtual power plant

Project content

  • Application to municipal urban development and neighbourhood development processes

  • Interactions with politics, the market and legislation

  • Development of planning guidelines for sustainable neighbourhood development
  • Effects of energy-efficient urban development
  • Influence of age- and environmentally friendly neighbourhood development
  • Cooperation between stakeholders in sustainable neighbourhood structures
  • Presentation of the results in an energy centre
  • Mediation between science and practice
  • Inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge transfer

Responsibility sub-project


Symbolbild JenErgieReal Teilprojekt 6

Virtual power plant structures in the humanitarian and social context


  • Component mobility in the virtual power plant:

    • Charging infrastructure as an intelligent load in the energy supply system

    • Integration of suitable electric micromobility (e-scooter, e-bike)

    • Integration of Car-to-X-features

  • Effects of the energy transition on every day life and work

  • „Data-sector-coupling“ as basis for AI-based analysis and processes in geriatric care.

Responsibility sub-project


Symbolbild JenErgieReal Teilprojekt 7

Interplay humans-technology in the virtual power plant

Project content

  • Social science evaluation of the project in the context of people, housing and the environment
  • Series of surveys and guideline interviews on utilisation and acceptance as well as the consequences for the groups of people involved in the project
  • Empirical analysis of specific user behaviour and its effects
  • Analysis of the smart living infrastructure (home equipment, metering system, smart home equipment)
  • Potential for improving the energy industry framework conditions (regulatory learning)

Responsibility sub-project


JenErgieReal Symbolbild Teilprojekt 8

Conception and testing of virtual power plant structures using the example of the city of Jena

Project content

  • Modelling the ICT infrastructure for the virtual power plant
  • Security requirements for the ICT infrastructure
  • Data analysis and services (big data)
  • Interdisciplinary information management
  • Realisation of central monitoring
  • Definition of a smart computation cloud
  • Scientific supervision of the overall objective
  • Development of solutions for future neighbourhoods from end consumer to producer
  • Special consideration of regulatory learning

Responsibility sub-project