We support the initiative „Weltoffenes Thüringen“

True to our guiding principle „Wir für Jena und die Region“, we combine our strengths in the areas of energy, mobility, housing, leisure and services for the benefit of our customers. Together, we contribute to a region worth living in. 

We are convinced that this can only succeed thanks to diversity and openness to the world, both within our Group and beyond. Exclusion, agitation and hatred are completely unacceptable to us. We are therefore committed to respectful coexistence and are fully committed to the values and goals of the „Weltoffenes Thüringen“ initiative.

We stand up for a cosmopolitan and diverse Thüringen.

We stand for respect for human dignity and indivisible human rights – this also with a view to Germany's historical responsibility, in particular for the crimes committed during the National Socialist era.

We are committed to plural democracy and the rule of law – also as a lesson from the experiences of two different dictatorships in Germany.

We want a country in which people are accepted and welcome in their diversity.

We want people to treat each other peacefully and respectfully. Prejudice, exclusion and hatred have no place in a cosmopolitan and diverse Thuringia.

We stand up for the idea of European unification. It stands for peace, solidarity and prosperity. Thuringia benefits from this in particular.

  Support the initiative now: #thueringenweltoffen

  More information at thueringen-weltoffen.de 


Statement Tobias Wolfrum zur Initiative Weltoffenes Thüringen

Statement Stadtwerke-Geschäftsführer Tobias Wolfrum

"Das sind die Werte, die wir jeden Tag leben."

Susan Zetzmann, Geschäftsfüherin der Jenaer Bäder

Statement Bäder-Geschäftsführerin Susan Zetzmann

"Wir setzen uns dafür ein, unsere Bäder, die Stadt und Thüringen zu einem Ort zu machen, an dem sich jeder willkommen und geschätzt fühlt."

This is us:




