Energy transition: That's what we do! 

We are striving for a transition in the sectors energy, heating and transport at the same time. This  affects almost all of Stadtwerke's business areas and presents us with enormous challenges. In many different projects, our companies are working on solutions to achieve the climate targets of the city (climate-neutral by 2035), state (climate-neutral by 2040) and federal government (climate-neutral by 2045). Here we answer your questions about the local energy transition and point out possible solutions.


Helge Gerullis im Interview

Interview with managing director Claudia Budich on the energy transition

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Interview with managing director Claudia Budich on the energy transition

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Benny Gottschalk, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau (ubineum)

Interview with managing director Claudia Budich on the energy transition

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Christian Lindau

Buildings Energy Act:

What does this imply for property owners & tenants in Jena? ?

Interview with our expert Christian Lindau

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What specific challenges does the energy transition face in Jena? 

Interview with managing director Claudia Budich

Learn more
Energiewende vor Ort - Wir machen das!

What are your questions regarding the energy transition?

Ask us your questions anonymously via the online-form. 
