We for Jena and the region
Mission statement of the Stadtwerke Jena Group
As a committed product and service provider, we bundle our strengths in the areas of energy, mobility, housing, leisure and services for the benefit of our customers and partners. We responsibly support the common good and contribute to the sustainable growth of the region.
Experienced and creative employees create quality of daily life and long-lasting values. They work purposefully, emotionally and individually. Through the combination of many years of experience in the industry with social as well as human qualities, identity and aspirations grow.
With strategically far-sighted thinking, with precise market knowledge and solution-oriented action, we ensure regional value creation and ecological sustainability. Our visions are rooted regionally and future-oriented. They have character and are sustained by enthusiasm and individual dedication. They stand for dynamism, the courage to change, and a clear focus on innovation leadership on the market.
Whether hybrid vehicles or electronic tickets, energy-saving homes or flexible ways of living, smart electricity meters or mini power plants, sun-heated leisure facilities or eco-friendly waterparks - we are open for and enthusiastic about smart ideas.
To make them viable and efficient, we rely on transparent structures, short, straightforward, bundled ways, as well as collaboration and dialogue with our customers, the public, and our shareholders.
As the Stadtwerke Jena Group, we enrich daily life, provide comfort, security and confidence, and transform energy into commitment.
We for Jena and the region.
Code of Conduct
With our products and services, we are a vital part of the city of Jena and deeply rooted in the region. The confidence of our customers, passengers, tenants and partners is our motivation.
With our Code of Conduct, we set binding benchmarks for our values and our actions. At the same time, we call on each and every employee of the Stadtwerke Jena Group to act responsibly and honestly. Our Code of Conduct applies to all companies and employees of the Stadtwerke Jena Group.
Our code of conduct for download
.- file_download Verhaltenskodex der Stadtwerke Jena Gruppe.pdf