Our mission: Quality of life for Jena and the region

In 2023: A new indoor sports swimming pool in Jena-Lobeda
Eight 50-meter-long lanes suitable for holding competitions and a teaching pool whose height is adjustable: In the future, aquatic athletes will find the best training conditions in the new indoor sports swimming pool in Lobeda-West. Said swimming pool is expected to open after the Easter holidays 2023.
Modern Services for a Vibrant City

Clean, affordable, tasty: drinking-water straight from the tap
Well-tested, available around the clock, completely free of waste and delivered directly into your house: there are many good reasons for drinking water directly from the tap. With the help of events and campaigns in the Wasserquartier Jena-Winzerla, the Zweckverband JenaWasser draws even more attention to this important topic.
Our commitment to a strong city
Connected and living in community: The Smart Quarter Jena-Lobeda
Increasing the quality of life and establishing new forms of living together: This is the vision behind the model project Smart Quarter. In collaboration with different partners, we are developing as well as testing modern services that can make life easier for people.