The Environmental Award for Children and Adolescents awarded by the City of Jena
Since 1997, we have awarded the Environmental Award every year together with the City of Jena to honor exceptional commitment by private individuals, associations and initiatives in the area of nature and environmental protection. Since 2018, we have been awarding the Environmental Award, which is endowed with 1,500€ prize money, specifically to children and adolescents. The award ceremony takes place during the Environment Day in Jena.

Awarding of the 6th Environmental Award for Children and Adolescents
Together with the City of Jena, we will award the 6th Environmental Award for Children and Adolescents in 2023. This year's topic is all about a very special substance, namely one that is simultaneously a foodstuff, a travelway but also a habitat and solvent: water.
Under the motto "Water is valuable", we want to draw attention to the great importance of water for nature and humans.
- The entry deadline for the project is the 19.04.2023.
- On the website of the city, you can find more information on the background, on how to take action and on the application procedure.
List of Award Winners
Year |
Environmental Award for Children and Adolescents |
Recognition |
2022 |
1st prize 800€: 4-week project on the topic of insect protection and creation of a deadwood pile 2nd prize: Project on the topic of brown bears and insect protection 2nd prizes for |
Special prize, 150€: Material prize for: Gemeinschaftsschule Wenigenjena |
2021 |
1st prize 800€: 4-week project on the topic of waste prevention and an Escape-Room by the Stammgruppe Spanien of the Freie Ganztagsschule Leonardo (Christin Seifert) City of Jena: by the 2. grade of the Nordschule (Frau Moll) KSJ awarded non-cash prizes |
Recognition prize, 300€ Special prize, 300€ |
2020 |
1st prize 1,000€: Project "Children for future" by the "Tigeraugen-Stammgruppe" of the Freie Ganztagsschule SteinMalEins 2nd prize 500€: Project "Einfälle statt Abfälle" by the Integrative Kita Kindervilla and the project "Auf den Spuren der Solarenergie" by the Kindergarten Sprachkiste 3rd prize: Project "Plastikmüll in unserer Umwelt" by the ecologically orientated Kita Kinderbude and by the class 3c of the Südschule (they share the 3rd prize meaning that each one received 250€) |
not awarded | |
2019 |
Topic: "Biodiversity- what can we do" Johanniter-Kindertageseinrichtung "Jona & Joni" |
not awarded | |
2018 |
Topic: "Food Waste- I have something against that!" Nele und Erik Kersten |
Kinderbude e.V. |
2017 |
"Paradieschen – Gemeinsam landwirtschaften in Jena“ Wurzelwerke e.V. |
not awarded |
2016 |
Saaleputzaktion Gärten zum Leben Immergrün Wohnquartier |
Staatliches Berufsbildendes Schulzentrum Jena-Göschwitz Pflege von rund 60 Nistkästen Energieautarke Schule Nachhaltige Ernährung Einsatz gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung |
2015 |
Reparier-Cafe Jena |
Essbare Stadt for the project: "Bunte Vielfalt in Jena - Obst und Gemüse statt Zierpflanzen" |
2014 |
Christliches Gymnasium Jena |
Kindertagesstätte Knirpsenland for the project : "Naturnahe Bildung und Erziehung zum Anfassen - Frühe Sensibilisierung der Kinder für die Umwelt" |
2013 |
"KALEIDOSKOP Jena"-School |
Jenaer "Sielmanns Natur-Ranger", Kindertagesstätte "Kinderbude" e.V., Kindergarten "Isserstedter Naturschwärmer" for the collaborative project "Tiere an Gebäuden - Gemeinsam für Artenvielfalt in unserer Stadt" |
2012 |
Wurzelwerk e. V. for the project and realization of "Begegnungs- und Bildungsstätte Volksgarten Jena" |
NABU Kreisverband Jena e.V. for the project "Ehrenamtliche Orchideenführungen im Leutratal" |
2010 |
Schule am Rautal for the project "Bachpatenschaft Steinbach" |
Stephan Peter for the project "Erlebnislandschaft Kulturlandschaft Mittleres Saaletal" |
2009 |
Hans Rüdiger for the project "Praxsisnahe Umweltbildung in den Jenaer Grundschulen" |
Talschule for the project "Grünes Klassenzimmer" |
2008 |
Überbetriebliche Ausbildungsgesellschaft for the project "Waldlehrpfad Schlauer Ux" |
EchinoMedia Verlag Dr. Kerstin Ramm for the project "Aus der Flora Thüringens/Frühblüher um Jena" |
2007 |
Sielmanns Natur-Ranger Deutschland e.V. Jena, Team Jena for the project "Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben - Bewahrung der Schöpfung in Artenreichtum - Naturschutz als positive Lebensphilosophie" |
Sebastian Henschke, Frank Bauer for the project "Potenziale zur Umweltentlastung durch ein Park&Ride-System in Jena" |
2006 |
Jürgen Sünkel for the project "Der Kultur-Landschafts-Laden" |
Naturschutzjugend Jena for the project "Umweltbildung mit Arten-Biotopschutz" |
2005 |
not awarded |
Heiko Gäbler for the project "Vorschläge zum präventiven Hochwasserschutz im Stadtgebiet Jena" |
2004 |
not awarded |
Sven Pompe for his diploma thesis on the "Renaturierung von Weinanbauflächen" |
2003 |
Staatliche Regelschule "Alfred Brehm" for their environmental project "Natur-Erlebnis-Garten" |
Jugend-Umwelt-Club Jena e.V. for their project "Tiergarten Griesbrücke" |
2002 |
Staatliches Berufsbildendes Schulzentrum Jena-Göschwitz for the realization of the project "Renaturierung eines ehemaligen Freibades zum Feuchtbiotop" |
Waldkindergarten Jena for the realization of the concept of a "Waldkindergarten in Jena-Winzerla" |
2001 |
Anett Bückle and Gabriele Schwenkbier for their work "Einfälle statt Batterieabfälle" |
Naturschutzjugend Jena for their project "Alles im Fluss" |
2000 |
Umweltwerkstatt Jena e.V. for their achievement "Solar mobil"
Jörn Habenicht for "Mobilitätszentrale Jena" |
1999 |
Christin Kley, Mathias Weiß and Matthias Böhnert from Gymnasium Lobeda-Ost for the study "Der Drackendorfer Bach im Wandel der Jahreszeiten" |
not awarded |
1998 |
Student project "Prunus": |
Zeiss-Gymnasium, Pupils from the 9th and 10th grade with the biology teachers Bärbel Wick and Dr. Steffen Müller for the study on "Artenschutz in Jena am Beispiel der Gelbbauchunke" |

Jena Crowd – The platform for doers
A new sun sail for the kindergarten, jerseys for the junior team or a cool activity for the neighborhood festival? With Jena Crowd, the Stadtwerke Jena provide clubs, initiatives and doers in the areas of sport, culture, social issues and the environment with the opportunity to present their ideas and projects to a wide audience and to finance them with the support of many people.