Gebäudeenergiegesetz (Buildings Energy Act): What does this imply for property owners and tenants in Jena?

It has been the most controversial topic in 2023: the new Buildings Energy Act (Gebäudeenergiegesetz GEG), or Heating Act, as it has been referred to colloquially. The discussions about the requirements for new heating systems and the replacement of old systems have caused a lot of uncertainty among people. Now that the law has been passed and will come into force in January 2024, we talk to Christian Lindau from Stadtwerke Energie to find out what exactly the law is about, and what tenants and property owners have to do now. 


The most important facts on the GEG in brief:


  • regulation on step-by-step replacement of old heating systems 
  • from January 2024, it will become law for new buildings 
  • from July 2028 also valid for old buildings (subject to conditions) 
  • for Jena: depending on planification of local heating 
  • property owners are requested to include renewable energies step by step 
  • for the time being, tenants are not directly affected; the levies are covered 
  • 60% of households in Jena are not affected as they are supplied with district heating e
  • we offer individual solutions, e. g. heat pumps |Learn more
Interview mit Experte Christian Lindau zum Gebäudeenergiegesetz

Interview with our expert Christian Lindau on Buildings Energy Act (GEG)

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Das als Kunstprojekt Golden Gate gestaltete Fernwärmerohr im Jenaer Paradies

100% electricity for all customers: Already since 2013

Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck supplies its household and commercial customers exclusively with TÜV-certified green electricity. This comes 100% from European hydropower, some of it even from local plants along the Saale river. A fixed amount flows into the expansion of renewable energies every year.

Find out more here
Michael Otto beim Energiedialog

Up-to-date information on the Building Energy Act

Energy Dialogue from November 7, 2023

As part of this Energy Dialogue, our energy consultant Michael Otto provided information on the new Building Energy Act (GEG) and its impact on homeowners. The recorded presentation is available here

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