Energy Saving Day: Some things never change!
Mar 5, 2024, 1:39:23 PM | Stadtwerke Jena Gruppe | Aktuelles | Energie- & Wärmewende
Today we are getting nostalgic. Why? To mark Energy Saving Day, we looked through the archives and picked out a photo of our very first energy-saving campaign from 1999.
Although a lot has changed since then, what remains the same and what we have been telling for 25 years:
The cheapest kilowatt hour is the one that is not consumed!
Since then, we have launched numerous other energy-saving campaigns, including the "Energy Detective" and the "Energy Geniuses". But our commitment does not end here! Even today, 25 years later, it is more important than ever to draw attention to the importance of saving energy. After all, saving energy not only helps to save money, but above all protects our planet. Let's continue to work together towards a sustainable and energy-efficient future!
Here are our energy-saving tips