Smart district at the telemedicine focus day

Jun 10, 2024, 2:07:48 PM | Stadtwerke Jena Gruppe | Aktuelles | Smartes Quartier | jenergie

On June 8, we had the opportunity to present our model project Smartes Quartier Jena-Lobeda at the Telemedicine Focus Day in Apolda. Project manager Mandy Steinbrück offered visitors exciting insights into our virtual telemedicine room with the help of virtual reality glasses. The presentation attracted many participants and met with great interest. 


A day full of innovation and networking 

The focus day provided a great platform for picking up on the latest trends in telemedicine and exchanging ideas with experts from the industry. One of the discussion partners at the Stadtwerke stand was Heike Werner from the Thuringian Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health, Women and Family, who emphasized the importance of our involvement in the field of healthcare technology during the discussion.


Important findings and future directions 

Mandy Steinbrück: The focus day was an excellent opportunity to make valuable contacts and develop joint strategies for the future of healthcare. A key conclusion of the day is that technical implementation alone is not enough for telemedicine. Rather, it is crucial to actively involve people in the development of new medical technologies and to conduct further research. User acceptance and commitment are crucial to the success of telemedicine.

Thanks to the organizer 

We would like to express our sincere thanks to our partner WeCare for inviting us to this superbly organized event. The selection of participants, the great facilities, the culinary offerings and the pleasant weather made this day particularly successful. We now need to integrate the insights gained from the focus day into our Smart Neighborhood.  


Here you can find more information about the Smart Neighborhood.


Photo: Heike Werner at the telemedicine focus day.