Milestone for mobility in Jena and the Saale-Holzland district

Apr 8, 2024, 2:39:41 PM | Jenaer Nahverkehr I JES | Aktuelles, Pressemitteilungen | Bahn | Bus | JES
Joint operation founded by Jenaer Nahverkehr and JES Verkehrsgesellschaft

Jenaer Nahverkehr and JES Verkehrsgesellschaft were merged into a joint operation on April 1, 2024. The works agreement on a reconciliation of interests and social plan was signed jointly with the works councils of both companies and came into force with the establishment of the joint operation. Although both companies will remain formally independent, they will be managed as one company in future.

"The new joint operation enables the creation of a uniform mobility concept for the Jena / Saale-Holzland district transport area with the three main pillars of city bus, regional bus and streetcar. Synergy and scaling effects can thus be utilized even better," said Thomas Nitzsche, Lord Mayor of the City of Jena on the alliance.

District Councillor Andreas Heller adds:

"The joint öffentliche Nahverkehr is one of the best examples of our good cooperation between the city and the district. Now it is a matter of achieving a sustainable effect for all sides and above all for the people who use the buses and trains with the newly established joint operation.  

This mainly concerns the following points: 

Deepening cooperation: The aim is to harmonize operational cooperation under uniform management and a common cultural understanding for all employees.

Uniform regulations and working conditions: The standardization of collective bargaining and company regulations creates a positive and supportive working environment.

Joint works council structure: For the time being, both works council bodies will remain in place in order to do justice to the different locations and employees.

Strengthening the attractiveness of the location: Improved working conditions and cooperation will increase the attractiveness of both locations.

Joint mobility concept: The merger of the transport sectors is intended to create a sustainable and uniform mobility concept for the region.

The joint operation also contributes to environmental protection by conserving resources and promoting environmentally friendly measures. By sharing infrastructure and coordinating the use of vehicles, the aim is to achieve sustainable business practices.


"Jenaer Nahverkehr and JES Verkehrsgesellschaft have been closely linked under company law in a parent-subsidiary relationship since 2022. By establishing the joint operation as the logical next step, we are even better equipped for the future. We want to improve the mobility of all residents and meet the needs of our passengers even better", so the managing directors of Jenaer Nahverkehr and JES Verkehrsgesellschaft, Andreas Möller and Steffen Gundermann.