LOTTO Thüringen Ladies Tour: Restrictions on buses and streetcars

Jun 20, 2024, 12:39:36 PM | Jenaer Nahverkehr I JES | Aktuelles, Pressemitteilungen

About 120 professional female cyclists will start next Tuesday, June 25th, for the 36th LOTTO Thüringen Ladies Tour.

This will lead to temporary restrictions on bus and tram services operated by Jenaer Nahverkehr and bus services operated by JES Verkehrsgesellschaft. The event is planned for the time from 12:30 pm to 5 pm. However, there may still be temporary restrictions on public transport after this time until all closures have been lifted and everything is flowing again.

The race route, which runs from Jena (Fürstengraben) via Dornburg, Bürgel, Schüngleina, Schlüben and Kahla, among other places, is not only a challenge for the cyclists, but also requires patience from the drivers: As the female rider field crosses all streetcar and bus lines, there may be temporary traffic restrictions.

Depending on the situation, the drivers of the buses and streetcars will react operatively and, if necessary, wait until the field has passed. This may lead to interruptions to journeys, altered departure times and extended journey times.

As the exact times and disruptions can only be determined during the race, it is unfortunately not possible to create an adjusted timetable in advance. Passengers are therefore asked to be prepared for the restrictions and to allow more time accordingly.

We, and in particular our drivers, would like to thank all passengers for their understanding and patience during this major sporting event.

More information on the LOTTO Thüringen Ladies Tour


Photo: Arne Mill