No energy service at the Stadtwerke customer center and Stadtwerke service office

Jun 3, 2024, 9:38:28 AM | Stadtwerke Jena Gruppe | Aktuelles, Pressemitteilungen

Due to a training measure, the Stadtwerke customer center at Saalstraße 8a, the main building at Rudolstädter Straße 39 and the Stadtwerke Energie service office at Breite Straße 11 in Pößneck on Thursday and Friday, 6. and 7 June, no personal and telephone consultation services on the subject of energy will be offered.

The customer service of Jenaer Nahverkehr and jenawohnen is available without restrictions. For contractual matters, Stadtwerke Energie refers to its customer portal, which is available here around the clock.  
The automatic pay stations for energy payments in the Stadtwerke customer center, in the entrance area of the office building at Rudolstädter Straße 39 and at Breite Straße 11 in Pößneck are available during regular opening hours.

Stadtwerke Energie asks for your understanding for the restrictions and will be available again for questions or advice by telephone and in person from Monday, June 10.A personal consultation is also possible on Saturday, June 8 at the Stadtwerke customer center at Saalstraße 8a.