Everything about your district heating contract

Here you can find up-to-date documents, forms and information regarding electricity contracts

Contract components

Here, you can download the Order on General Terms and Conditions for District heating Supply (AVBFernwärmeV) and the technical conditions for connection (Technische Anschlussbedingungen TAB). 

download AVBFernwärmeV - Stadtwerke Energie

downloadTAB of Stadtwerke Energie valid from 20 December 2019

The notice to the relevant authority, which is mandatory according to § 17 par. 2 AVBFernwärmeV by 20 June 1980, was submitted on 16 December 2019 to the Thuringian Ministry for Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation 

Here you can download the Order on General Terms and Conditions for District heating Supply (AVBFernwärmeV), the general supply conditions of job Jenaer Objektmanagement- und Betriebsgesellschaft, and the technical connection conditions.


 downloadAVBFernwärmeV - job

 downloadConnection conditions district heating - job

 downloadConnection conditions job - part 1 valid for Hermsdorf 

  Composed of: Details:
Working price   payable for each directly consumed megawatt hour (corresponds to 1,000 kilowatt hours) 
  Purchase Purchase or generation price for district heating per megawatt hour 
  Grid operation Relative share of transportation and distribution of district heating, depending on consumption 
  Distribution costs/margin Share of costs for staff, rent, own consumption and benefits of the provider 
  VAT Consumption tax, currently 19 per cent
+ Demand rate   Costs for continuous availability of district heating and operating grids 
  Provision service Annual fee for continuous availability and provision of contractually agreed heating for the property or building that is to be supplied
  Grid operation Share of transportation and distribution of district heating, independent from consumption 
  VAT Consumption tax, currently 19 per cent
+ Meter charge   Costs for providing meter and accounting 
  Provision Costs for renting meter, its operation and gauging 
  Meter reading Costs for annual meter reading, either by customer service or customer (meter reading card) 
  Billing Costs for annual accounting (material, staff, soft- and hardware), processing and gathering of meter data, collection costs 
  VAT Consumption tax, currently 19 per cent
+ Heating water   Costs for withdrawal of processed heating water of the district heating grid 
  Heating water Costs for heating water
  VAT Consumption tax, currently 19 per cent
= Costs district heating    


If you want to be supplied with district heating, it is necessary to register beforehand. This registration needs to include details on the property that is to be supplied, the intended start of supply as well as the required amount of heat.

After your registration, we will examine whether a connection to the district heating network is possible and if it is necessary to subsidize construction costs. However, a subsidy will only be charged if the connection results uneconomical for us.

If a connection to our district heating supply network is possible, we will submit you a contract offer regarding supply and purchase of district heating based on your registration details. Once concluded the contract, we will create the district heating service line. 

Before you can use district heating at home, it is necessary to transform it into lower pressure or temperature. For that purpose, a so-called service line station needs to be installed.


Our subsidiary job (Jenaer Objektmanagement- und Betriebsgesellschaft mbH) is happy to take care of the planning, solicitation and installation as well as the running of your service line station. If you would like to receive an offer for this service, please mark "heating service with/without warm water" as desired service on the registration form. In this case, please have the form sheet service line station filled in by your specialized company for heating. 

downloadRegistration form

downloadForm sheet service line station


Via our registration form, you can apply for district heating supply. You can either fill it in directly in your browser or download it for printing.

downloadDownload registration form

downloadDownload form sheet service line station

After completing it, please send it to us by e-mail or post. You are also welcome to hand it in at our service offices. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or text us

Here, you can find the form sheet to register for billing your district heating supply as tenant of an apartment building:

downloadBilling district heating

Here you can find our form for granting a SEPA direct debit mandate. You can either complete it directly in your browser or download it for printing. it is necessary to submit the mandate with an original signature.

download  Download SEPA-direct debit mandate

Your advantage: If you grant us the SEPA direct debit mandate, we can debit all payable amounts easily and duly directly from your account. 

Once filled in, please send us the form per e-mail or post. You are also welcome to hand it in at our service center.


To settle disputes in the areas of district heating and thermal energy, you can apply for a conciliation procedure at the Zentrum für Schlichtung e. V. (Centre for Conciliation) as the universal conciliation body of the Federal Government. It can only be demanded if, beforehand, our company's customer service has been called and no mutually satisfactory solution has been found. We are not obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure. However, our company has voluntarily agreed to do so.

You can reach the Universal Arbitration Board of the Federal Government at the following address:

Universalschlichtungsstelle des Bundes Zentrum für Schlichtung e.V.
Straßburger Straße 8
77694 Kehl am Rhein

Phone: 07851 79579 40
Fax: 07851 79579 41
Internet: www.verbraucher-schlichter.de
E-mail: mail@​​universalschlichtungsstelle.de

Privacy Policy as per Art. 13, 14 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO), the Data Protection Regulation of Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck GmbH

download  Privacy Policy

Hier finden Sie alle wichtigen Details zur Umsetzung der Wärmepreisbremse.

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