Jetzt den passenden Tarif finden.

Erfahren Sie welche jenaturStrom oder jenaGas-Produkte an Ihrer Postleitzahl verfügbar sind. Entscheiden Sie sich für den passenden Tarif und schließen Sie Ihren Vertrag gleich online ab.


Find the right tariff now.

We deliver our environmentally friendly district heating to Jena, Pößneck, Hermsdorf and Blankenhain. 

Find out everything regarding our heating packages, offers, registration, supply and our prices. 

Heizen mit der Power der Natur

umweltfreundliche und effiziente Wärmeerzeugung

Entdecken Sie unsere Wärmepumpen-Komplettpakete - zusammengestellt ganz nach Ihrem Bedarf.

Starten Sie Ihre Heizungsmodernisierung mit dem Wärmepumpen-Check.

Ideal für Wärmepumpen - unser günstiger Heizstrom - für alle, die Strom zum Heizen und Klimatisieren nutzen.

We help you save yourself a spot in the sun 
More independent with your own solar system

Find out everything regarding our photovoltaics-offers, the implementation of your individual solar roof, battery storages and how to charge your electric car with electricity generated from solar energy.

We support electrical horse power

Become part of the energy transition. With your own electric car and charging station.

Find out more regarding our offers for charging technology and public charging with the Stadtwerke Energie charging card. 

100% green electricity
excellent quality
secure supply
Regionaler Anbieter

News from the energy market 

The current global economic conditions and an unprecedented situation are posing major challenges to all of us. Especially the energy market situation is very turbulent. Almost daily there are new developments and political decisions. Stay up-to-date with us as your regional energy provider and find out what consequences ongoing developments have for you. 

Discover electricity & natural gas products 

Products in the area of electricity and natural gas, heat flow as well as electricity for charging electric cars: Here you can find all the information regarding our offers. 

Electricity             Natural gas

Discover electricity & natural gas products 

Products in the area of electricity and natural gas, heat flow as well as electricity for charging electric cars: Here you can find all the information regarding our offers. 

Electricity             Natural gas

Electricity price brake

The Federal Government has agreed on energy price brakes. Here you can find all important information on the implementation of the electricity price brake. 

Learn more

Frau zeigt beide Daumen nach oben und lächelt.

Tips for saving energy

Our tips for saving with energy- and water consumption and heating. 

Learn more

Unterbrechung der Fernwärmeversorgung in großen Teilen Jenas

11. bis 14. Mai 2025, Jena-Zentrum, Jena-Süd, Jena-West, Jena-Nord

Es erfolgt die Stilllegung des derzeit noch mit Dampf betriebenen Fernwärme-Teilnetzes. Gleichzeitig werden neue Heißwasserleitungen in das Hauptnetz eingebunden. Durch diese Arbeiten kommt es in großen Teilen Jenas zu einer Unterbrechung der Wärme- und Warmwasserversorgung.

Mehr zur Dampfablösung

In the spotlight

Discover and find out more about our current offers, innovations, campaigns or services regarding the topic of energy.  

Our energy service - in person on site or around the clock online

Do you have questions regarding your current energy contracts or do you want to receive more information about our products and offers? Or do you want to sign an electricity / natural gas contract? Our customer service as well as our customer consultants are more than happy to help you with any concern you might have. Alternatively, you can also use our online service.

My energy online

Keep an eye on your contract with our customer portal.

Manage your energy contracts comfortably online. 

  • check personal contract details
  • report meter readings
  • manage bills and instalments