Our district heating for Blankenhain

BlankenhainWärme - closer than you think

Contrary to what the name "district or long distance heating" might suggest, our environmentally friendly and comfortable BlankenhainWärme is generated right here in Pößneck. In this way, it is nearby, but still far from your property. The heat is largely generated in a highly efficient combined heat and power plant (CHP plant) using combined heat and power. Boiler plants supplement the generation of heat. Via our district heating network, the heat is piped directly to you as hot water. Via the house service line in your building, the supplied heat is transferred to the house system, where you can use it for heating and the preparation of hot water. Then, the cooled water flows back to our generation plants via the closed circuit and is heated again.

Prices and sample contracts

Unser Blankenhain Wärmedienst PLUS 

Mit unserem Wärmedienst erhalten Sie das "Rundum-Sorglos-Paket". Sie müssen sich um Ihre Anlagen im Gebäude nicht kümmern. und zahlen lediglich einen vereinbarten Wärmepreis.

Heating prices          valid
District heating prices according to price sheet JenaWärme

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starting 1 January 2023

until 31 December 2022

Price sheet JenaWärme


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download Price sheet

starting 1 January 2023

until 31 December 2022

Unser Blankenhain Wärmedienst 

Für alle Kunden, die bis jetzt nicht in einem PLUS-Vertrag sind, gelten diese Preisregelungen und Preise. Ein Wechsel in das PLUS-Produkt ist möglich. Sprechen Sie uns an.

Heating prices          valid
District heating prices according to price sheet JenaWärme

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starting 1 January 2023

until 31 December 2022

Price sheet JenaWärme


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download Price sheet

starting 1 January 2023

until 31 December 2022

Wichtige Vertragsunterlagen

Egal für welches Produkt Sie sich bei uns entscheiden. Hier sind die wichtigsten Vertragsbestandteile Ihres Wärmevertrages.

Heating prices          valid
District heating prices according to price sheet JenaWärme

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starting 1 January 2023

until 31 December 2022

Price sheet JenaWärme


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download Price sheet

starting 1 January 2023

until 31 December 2022

Fernwärme Blankenhain in Zahlen


District heating for Blankenhain in figures

  District heating Blankenhain
Primary energy factor   1.086
Annual greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the energy mix 1)
(in relation to heat consumption)
t CO2 / MWh
t CO2 / year
t GHG / year
Percentage of renewable energies used 
as in § 3 par. 2 GEG 2020

per cent

Grid losses 2)
gap between heat infeed and usable heat 

MWh / year


1) Calculation based on operating years 2019 - 2021

2) Average of last three years

Find out more about Blankenhain heating service

In order to bring district heating to the customers, a corresponding network is necessary. Anyone who has their porperty or house near the district heating network can, in principle, get district heating if required.

District heating in Blankenhain is supplied in an environmentally friendly way via a combined heat and power plant (CHP plant) based on natural gas. An old boiler plant is only needed during the cold season. In summer, the CHP unit generates enough heat to cover the demand on its own. CHP units are modular systems for generating electrical energy and heat. They consist of an engine, a synchronous generator and a heat exchanger. Diesel, vegetable oil or gas engines, but also gas turbines, fuel cells or stirling engines can be used to drive the generator. CHP plants have a higher overall efficieny compared to the conventional combination of local heating and a central power plant. This is due to the fact that the waste heat from electricity generation can be used directly on-site. The efficiency of electricity generation is between 25 and 38 %, depending on the size of the plant. If the waste heat is used completely and locally, an overall efficiency of 80 to 90 % can be achieved with regard to the primary energy used.

CHP modules usually have an electrical output of between one kW and several tens of MW.

Together with ASI Anlagen Service, Instandhaltung, an enterprise for facility service and maintenance, the Stadtwerke Energie offers a heating service for district heating systems with an output of more than 30 kW.

This means tha you do not have to pay the investment costs for the house connection station. The station will be operated by the facility management enterprise job, so you do not have to worry about maintenance work, repairs and fault rectification. For the entire service package, we contractually agree with you on a fixed price. The billing can either be done with the landlord or directly with the tenants - you decide.


Further information on our products


Mehr zum Thema Heizen mit Fernwärme

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Mehr zum Thema alternative Wärmelösungen

Hier finden Sie alle Informationen, Produkte - vor allem Angebote zu Wärmepumpen - und Vorteile zum Heizen mit Strom.

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