Here you can find up-to-date documents, forms and information regarding electricity contracts

Components of the contract

The Genereal Terms and Conditions are an integral part of your electricity contract.

download  General Terms and Conditions - electricity  since January 1st 2023

download  General Terms and Conditions - electricity for contracts concluded online since January 1st 2023

Did you conclude your electricity contract before the 1st of March 2022
For you, other General Terms and Conditions apply. These were last updated as of January 1st 2023 and were sent to you.

download  General Terms and Conditions - electricity  valid from January 1st 2023 on

download  General Terms and Conditions - electricity for contracts concluded online valid from January 1st 2023 on

A regulation on the general conditions for the basic supply of household customers and the substitute supply with electricity from the low-voltage grid (Act of basic electricity service (Stromgrundversorgungsverordnung StromGVV)) from the 26th of October 2006 (BGBl. I S. 2391). The regulation has last been altered by means of its Article 4, which explicates the calculation of the offshore grid levy as well as the adjustments made to the regulatory law (BGBl. I, 2019, Nr. 8).

download  Act of basic electricity service (Stromgrundversorgungsverordnung StromGVV)

Conditions added by the Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck GmbH to the regulation on the general conditions for the basic supply of household customers and the substitute supply with electricity from the low-voltage grid (Act of basic electricity service (Stromgrundversorgungsverordnung StromGVV)).

download  Additional conditions

Datenschutzerklärung nach Art. 13, 14 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO) der Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck GmbH

download  Datenschutzerklärung

For the grid area of the Stadtwerke Jena Netze GmbH

For the grid area of the TEN Thüringer Energienetze GmbH & Co. KG

Since 2013, we have been exclusively supplying our customers with electricity generated from hydropower - TÜV-certified and of course at no extra charge.

download  Composition of electricity from the Stadtwerke Energie (as of November 1st 2022)

Forms and meter readings

You can request basic supply with electricity and / or natural gas using our application form. Fill it in directly in your browser or download it for printing. 

download  Download registration form basic supply

Once completed the form, send it to us by E-mail or post. You are also welcome to hand it in at our service offices during opening hours. We are happy to answer any questions you might have about your energy. 

This is how your can reach us >>>

Here you can find our form for granting a SEPA direct debit mandate. You can either complete it directly in your browser or download it for printing. it is necessary to submit the mandate with an original signature.

download Download SEPA direct debit mandate

Your advantage: If you grant us the SEPA direct debit mandate, we can debit all payable amounts easily and duly directly from your account. 

After completing the form, please send it to us by E-Mail or post. You are also welcome to hand it in at our servicecentre.


You can report your meter readings via our customer portal oYou can find all information necessary in the handover certificate. If you decide to move, please keep in mind to terminate the contract in due time with 14 days of anticipation. 
You can either complete it directly in your browser or download it for printing.

download Download form for report on meter readings

After completing the form, please send it to us by E-Mail or post. You are also welcome to hand it in at our servicecentre.

per phone: 03641 688-366
per E-Mail: kundenservice@​
online: report online here

You will need your customer and meter number.

In general, meter readings take place once a year in order to create the annual consumption bill. We will inform you in advance about the exact date. The day on which the reading takes place, our field workers will be present during the morning and afternoon to take readings of all your meters. 

Billing and payment

Hier finden Sie unser Formular für die Erteilung des SEPA-Lastschriftmandates. Sie können dieses Formular direkt in Ihrem Browser ausfüllen, auf Ihrem Rechner speichern und ausdrucken. Das SEPA-Lastschriftmandat muss uns mit einer Originalunterschrift vorliegen.

download  Download SEPA-Lastschriftmandat


In order to prevent a supply stop in case of non-fulfilment of obligatory payments following § 19 par. 2 StromGVV/GasGVV, we offer you the conclusion of a preventive agreement.

download model preventive agreement

If you worry about not being able to carry the (energy) costs anymore, there is the opportunity to receive support from jenarbeit (jobcentre of Jena) or the Fachdienst Soziales (special social service of Jena) to secure your subsistence.

download contact sheet jenarbeit social services department

Unser jenaturStrom Prepaid ist ein spezieller Tarif außerhalb der Grundversorgung, der ausschließlich für Vorkassezähler zur Verfügung steht.

Mehr Informationen zum Tarif für Vorkassezähler >>

Move and contract termination

You are moving or want to terminate your electricity contract with us for other reasons? What a pity. However, we have prepared some information and created an easy way to realise the contract termination.

Please click here >>>


The basic supplier is the supplier who, in a general supply grid area, provides most households with its services. Every three years, the grid operator determines the basic supplier (cut-off date since 2006: 1st of July) for the next three calendar years. It is then published online by 30 September each year. The respective land authority decides on objections to said determination. In the event of a change of the basic supplier, all existing supply agreements continue to apply at the conditions and prices prevailing at the time of the change.

>> more information on basic supply

We talk about substitute supply when a customer consumes gas from the low-pressure network without this withdrawal being attributable to a supply or a specific supply contract. As long as the customer has not concluded a gas supply contract, he will be supplied for a maximum of three months at the conditions of the substitute supply.

>> more information and prices


In case of questions or problems regarding your energy supply, please contact our customer service per post (Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck GmbH, z. H. Kundenservice, Rudolstädter Straße 39, 07745 Jena), per phone  (03641 688-366) or per e-mail (kundenservice@​

If we are unable to reach a mutually satisfactory solution to a complaint, you can find consumer information on dispute resolution here:

Consumer service of the Federal Network Agency for Electricity and Gas (Bundesnetzagentur für den Bereich Elektrizität und Gas)
The Federal Network Agency's consumer service provides you with information on the applicable law, your rights as household customer and on dispute resolution procedures for the electricity and gas sectors. They can be reached at the following contact details:

Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen
Postfach 8001
53105 Bonn

Phone: Mo.-Fr. from 09:00 Uhr until 15:00 Uhr
National info-hotline: 030 / 22480 - 500 or 01805 / 101000 
(tariff landline 14ct/min; tariff mobile communication 42 ct/min)
Telefax: 030 / 22480 – 323
E-mail: verbraucherservice-energie@​

In order to settle disputes in accordance with § 111 a EnWG, a conciliation procedure can be requested from the Schlichtungsstelle Energie (Energy Conciliation Board). It can only be demanded if, beforehand, our company's customer service has been called and no mutually satisfactory solution has been found. Our company is obliged to participate in the conciliation procedure of the Schlichtungsstelle Energie.

Schlichtungsstelle Energie e.V.
Friedrichstraße 133
10117 Berlin

Phone: 030 2757240-0
E-mail: info@​

To settle disputes in the areas of solar roof, battery storage and charging technology, you can apply for a conciliation procedure at the Zentrum für Schlichtung e. V. (Centre for Conciliation) as the universal conciliation body of the Federal Government. It can only be demanded if, beforehand, our company's customer service has been called and no mutually satisfactory solution has been found. We are not obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure. However, our company has voluntarily agreed to do so.

You can reach the Universal Arbitration Board of the Federal Government at the following address:

Universalschlichtungsstelle des Bundes Zentrum für Schlichtung e.V.
Straßburger Straße 8
77694 Kehl am Rhein

Phone: 07851 79579 40
Fax: 07851 79579 41
E-mail: mail@​​

Online platform for reconciliation

Since 15 February 2016, consumers have the possibility to obtain free assistance for submitting a consumer complaint about an online sales contract or online service contract as well as information about the procedures at the consumer arbitration boards in the European Union. You can do this via the online dispute resolution platform (ODR platform) of the EU. The ODR platform can be accessed at the following link: 


TÜV certified eco-power


We love our environment. This is why our entire electricity comes from hydro power and is generated climate friendly in Thuringia and Europe. This got confirmed by TÜV Nord with the quality certificate "Geprüfter Ökostrom" (engl.: certified eco-power). 

download Certificate eco-power

Learn more