Five years of the Jena Crowd: crowdfunding with a strong impact

May 7, 2024, 10:58:10 AM | Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck | Aktuelles, Pressemitteilungen | Engagement | Jena Crowd

5 years of crowdfunding for Jena: Stadtwerke Jena is celebrating the fifth anniversary of its Jena Crowd, which went online for Jena and the region on May 8, 2019. Since then, 400,000 euros have been distributed to social, cultural or community projects via the municipal crowdfunding platform, enabling valuable projects to be implemented for Jena and the region. Thanks to the support of over 6,600 citizens, 95 social, cultural and community initiatives in Jena and the surrounding region were successfully financed using the crowdfunding principle.

Various projects – from culture to nature 
The 95 funded projects include a new station on the dinosaur trail, a book project that tells the stories of dying people and the purchase of a workbench or a sun sail for children's nurseries in the region. The Jena Crowd also made it possible to equip various club rooms, plant new trees at the Fuchsturm and stage this year's Jena Court Opera. All projects illustrate the versatile use of the platform and the commitment of the people of Jena.

A platform that connects
Broken down to the number of inhabitants of the city, every citizen in Jena has symbolically supported the ideas of their fellow citizens with just under 4 euros. Stadtwerke Jena is using the anniversary to encourage even more creative artists to present their projects on Jena Crowd and have them financed by the community. For every donation of 10 euros or more, Stadtwerke adds another 10 euros from the monthly funding pot. If the funding target is not reached, the supporters receive their money back, which minimizes the risk for everyone involved.

Jubilee campaign „around the Fünf“ in planning
To celebrate its fifth birthday, Stadtwerke Jena is planning a special campaign on the Jena Crowd after the summer vacations, which will revolve around the five. Details of this campaign will be announced in good time.

Here you can find more information about the Jena Crowd.