Collecting scrap metal for a good cause

May 14, 2024, 9:44:19 AM | jenawohnen | Aktuelles, Pressemitteilungen
jenawohnen property management hands over donation to parents' initiative for children with cancer

Last Tuesday (May 7, 2024), Katrin Mohrholz, Managing Director of the Elterninitiative für krebskranke Kinder Jena e.V., accepted the donations from jenawohnen's house management at Haus EKKStein. The sum of 360.80 € was raised through the collection of scrap metal. This time, a further donation was also received from Winzerla.

Back in 2022, the Lobeda-Ost property management team collected scrap metal and donated the proceeds to the Elterninitiative für krebskranke Kinder e.V. (Parents' Initiative for Children with Cancer). It was important to our house management two years ago that the money should go to an association in Lobeda. This has not changed in the last 2 years, so that the money went to the parents' initiative again in 2024. We hope to be able to continue to support various associations with such great campaigns by our employees in the years to come.

The Parents' Initiative for Children with Cancer Jena e.V. cares for children with cancer and their parents at Jena University Hospital. With the new building in Lobeda East, which was built in 2018, they offer a retreat and event location for parents and children. The money is therefore in the right place here to make a difference.

For more information and pictures of EKKSteins House and to make a donation, please visit the website.

More about donations and sponsoring from jenawohnen

Photo: Uwe Grübner (left) and Sebastian Daniel (right) from jenawohnen property management hand over the donation to Katrin Mohrholz from the Elterninitiative für krebskranke Kinder e.V. 

Uwe Grübner (links) und Sebastian Daniel (rechts) vom jenawohnen Hausmanagement übergeben die Spende an Katrin Mohrholz von der Elterninitiative für krebskranke Kinder e.V.